The Way I See It

Superman has nothing on Spiceworks interns

On Wednesday, June 26th at approximately 4:30 pm, SpiceRex boldly went where no orange Tyrannosaurus Rex had been before—no, not to outer space, but to iFly Austin, where he indoor skydived with more grace and finesse than all of the summer interns combined. Don’t believe me? I was prepared for that, so I included a photo. (Refer to item A below)

To indoor skydive, you enter a “vertical wind tunnel,” strike a sort of broken-down Superman pose, and then hold really still until you fly. Have you ever tried to stay still when 120 mile winds are blowing in your face? Because it is very, very difficult. I had really high hopes for myself because I spent most of my adolescence flipping around a cheerleading gym, but I was not the best. In fact, I was probably the worst. My hands clenched into a sort of claw shape, and try as I might, I could not keep my arms and legs still at the same time. Also, I drooled a lot. (Refer to Item B)

I wasn't alone. According to community management intern Jaime Cheng, “I remember being conscious of how ridiculous my face looked, but then I realized that I had to focus more on my form because my stomach was on the ground and I was literally not going anywhere.”

All in all, it was a very unattractive situation for everyone. (Refer to item C)


Item C: The first group flying

Despite my weird hands/claws, I did manage to have an incredible amount of fun. If I could install one of these tunnels in my tiny apartment, I would.

In addition to the fun, iFly also gave the summer interns the chance to bond outside of Spiceworks HQ. You can’t really know your coworkers until you've seen them in coveralls, goggles and a helmet, face rippling in the wind. I feel incredibly lucky to be part of such a fun, intelligent team, and so thankful for Spiceworks’ awesome internship program.

According to David Weiser, IT intern, “My favorite part was when I didn't [content removed by moderator] myself.” I feel confident that the team bonding was his second favorite part.

But I know the real reason you’re reading this blog post is to see the video of SpiceRex in the wind tunnel, so without further ado, I am proud to present "SpiceRex Takes Flight." Item D: SpiceRex Takes Flight

To quote development intern Sean Hoffman, “In the famous words of R.Kelly, ‘I believe I can fly.’”

Reposted from Spiceworks